here we go
soooo. it begins. first day of work! yay.
did some last minute paperwork...and i'm gonna start reading this book they gave me soon called "the oz principle-getting results through individual and organizational accountability" by roger connors, tom smith and craig hickman. supposed to be some kind of business philosophy. iiinteresting. i get 4 hours pay to read it...
i'm really curious how i'll take walking into a job i'm in no way trained for. reading the job description...they usually only hire civil/structural engineers and architects. i think there's one other EE dude there, and he has his masters degree and he's a project manager...really makes me wonder how this company feels about having me 'placed' with them. either way, i'll do my best. who knows, maybe i'll find a knack in building shit. granted the project i'm working on is telecom (laying of fiber optics)...i imagine they'll just have me do a lotta math...possibly a lotta checking of math...both of which i can do.
more tomorrow.
spent a chunk of today workin' on my baby. what was supposed to be a 10 minute fuse check turned into a 4 hour empty-out-the-toolbox job. well, jobS. gettin' under the dashboard i just found a bunch of other things to fix...and decided to do 'em. read camaro blog for more details (unnecessary).
adios. cover me.